Friday, November 13, 2015

Henrico County Republican Committee

Greetings fellow Henrico Republicans.  I hope that this email finds you well.

Our recent elections were a great result for Henrico Republicans!  Any way you look at it, victories for the 14 out of the 15 candidates who ran was a great result.

The election was about maintaining good, conservative, government – “The Henrico Way”.  We maintained it!

Many people deserve credit for the victory.  Of course our strong field of candidates led the way.  There was an army of volunteers (campaign staff, door knockers, telephone callers, envelope stuffers, poll workers, poll watchers, etc.).  There was a dedicated Henrico County Republican Party led by Chairman Don Boswell.  Great job Don!  Wonderful job all!  You made it happen.

Don has announced that he will not seek re-election as Chairman of the Henrico County Republican Party.  We will all miss Don’s dedication and experience.  I have spoken with many Committee members and have been encouraged to run; I will do so.

I want to be a Chairman who unites our Committee, grows our membership, increases our resources for activities, and engages in the business of the Committee year round – not just for a limited time around elections.  Most importantly, I want to be a Chairman who helps lead our party to victory!  Our elections last week were a “test drive” for next year.  While we can, and should, enjoy our victories, we must go back to work!  We have a Presidential election next year.  We have learned over the last few Presidential elections that so goes Henrico, so goes the Commonwealth.  We lost Henrico to Obama, we lost the Commonwealth to Obama.  Let us be resolved that allowing Henrico County and the Commonwealth to be presidentially blue again will not happen!  Let us use the unity and momentum of last week’s election to make the Henrico County Republican Committee unified and resolved to elect a Republican President in 2016!

I welcome the opportunity to discuss the Chairmanship with you, and, I humbly ask for your support.


Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A banner night for the Henrico GOP!

What a great night for Henrico Republicans!  Any way you look it, 14 out of 15 is a great result.

Last night’s vote was about maintaining good, conservative, government -- The Henrico Way – we maintained it!  We elected a new State Senator (welcome Dr. Dunnavant).  We re-elected our five Delegates (Jimmie Massie, John O’Bannon, Peter Farrell, Manoli Loupassi and Riley Ingram).  We held the three seats needed to maintain control of the Board of Supervisors by re-electing two and electing one new (Pat O’Bannon, Dick Glover and Tommy Brannin).  We held our majority on the School Board by re-electing our three School Board members (Lisa Marshall, Micky Ogburn and Beverly Cocke).  We re-elected our great Sheriff, Mike Wade.  And we elected our next great Clerk of Court, Heidi Barshinger.

Yes, it was a wonderful night -- 14 out of 15 is a great result.  But I have to morn Henrico’s loss of the opportunity to elect Tony Pham as Commonwealth’s Attorney.  Tony worked tirelessly for the cause, although, in the end, it was not enough to defeat an incumbent flush with money and the determination of the Henrico Democrats to hold on to the one County-wide office that they could.  Tony showed us all a vision of what the Henrico Commonwealth Attorney’s office should be.  Tony reminded us of what the American dream is for those who chose to come to this country legally, embrace all that is good about America, work hard and succeed!  Well done my friend.

Many people deserve credit for the victory.  Of course our strong field of candidates led the way.  There was an army of volunteers (campaign staff, door knockers, telephone callers, envelope stuffers, poll workers, poll watchers, etc.).  There was a dedicated Henrico County Republican Party led by Chairman Don Boswell.  Great job Don!  Wonderful job all!  You made it happen.

But wait, we all know that this election cycle was a test drive for next year.  Enjoy today, go back to work tomorrow.  We have a Presidential election next year.  We have learned over the last few Presidential elections that so goes Henrico, so goes the Commonwealth.  We lost Henrico to Obama, we lost the Commonwealth to Obama.  Let us be resolved that allowing Henrico County and the Commonwealth to be presidentially blue will not happen again!  Let us use the unity and momentum of yesterday’s election to make the Henrico County Republican Party unified and resolved to elect a Republican President in 2016!


Monday, November 2, 2015

Election Recap

Greetings all!

Please allow me to thank all of those who have already volunteered in many ways for our campaigns, and for the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 elections.  We can always use more volunteers for handing out Republican Sample Ballots at the Polls, being Poll Watchers and other -- please email me at to volunteer.  You can visit the unified Henrico Republican campaign office: “TEAMGOP Victory Office” at 3163 Lauderdale Drive, Henrico, Virginia 23233.

Tomorrow, November 3, 2015, we have important elections for our local government (Commonwealth’s Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk of Court, Board of Supervisors and School Board) as well as our General Assembly (Senate and House of Delegates) -- fifteen in all.  Please contact all of your friends, neighbors and co-workers to VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET!  We can sweep -- let's go 15 for 15!

2015 Local Candidates 

Virginia State Senate 

Dr. Siobahn Dunnavant
Nominee for 12th Senate District

Virginia House of Delegates 
Delegate Peter Farrell 
56th House District 

Delegate Riley Ingram
62nd House District 

Delegate Manoli Loupassi
68th House District

Delegate Jimmie Massie
72nd House District

Delegate John O'Bannon
73rd House District 

Henrico County Constitutional Offices

Sheriff Mike Wade
Henrico County Sheriff

Tony H. Pham
Nominee for Henrico's Commonwealth's Attorney

Heidi Barshinger
Nominee for Henrico's Circuit Court Clerk

Henrico Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Dick Glover
Brookland District

Tommy Branin
Nominee for Three Chopt District

Supervisor Pat O'Bannon
Tuckahoe District 

Henrico School Board 

Beverly Cocke
Brookland District

Micky Ogburn
Three Chopt District 

Lisa Marshall
Tuckahoe District

Monday, October 26, 2015

A focus on Sheriff Mike Wade

Greetings all!

Please allow me to thank all of those who have already volunteered in many ways for our campaigns, and for the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 elections.  We have much more to do however and need many more volunteers.  Please email me at to volunteer.  You can visit the unified Henrico Republican campaign office: “TEAMGOP Victory Office” at 3163 Lauderdale Drive, Henrico, Virginia 23233.

On November 3, 2015, we have important elections for our local government (Commonwealth’s Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk of Court, Board of Supervisors and School Board) as well as our General Assembly (Senate and House of Delegates).  Today the blog will feature Sheriff Mike Wade.

Henrico County Sheriff Michael L. Wade (“Mike”) is a Richmond, Virginia native, who commands one of the largest sheriff’s offices in the Commonwealth with over 361 sworn and civilian staff. Sheriff Wade was elected on November 2, 1999.

Mike is a career law enforcement officer, having served for twenty-two years as a member of the Henrico Division of Police before being elected Sheriff. Joining the department in 1977, Wade began his career as a uniformed police officer.  During his career as a police officer in one of the Commonwealth’s most densely populated counties, Mike was an investigator focusing on crimes against property. He later served in the highly charged Criminal Intelligence Section and later, as the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Investigator Liaison.

When elected Sheriff, Mike left the Division of Police as a Command Sergeant serving as the Supervisor of the School Resource and D.A.R.E. officers for Henrico County Public Schools.

Since his election, Mike has improved retention and hiring rates, filled more than seventy vacant Deputy slots, created a nationally recognized drug rehab program, streamlined the Sheriff’s Office budget and opened a public information office.

Since taking office, Mike has made an effort in several areas to make the Henrico Sheriff’s Office more open to the public, more efficient at the execution of its mission and more responsive to the needs of the community.

Mike’s Sheriff Initiatives have included:
TRIAD, Seniors Program with Law Enforcement, in partnership with the Henrico Division of Police & the Office of the Attorney General.

Project Fresh Start & Project Hope, Nationally Recognized Inmate Drug Rehabilitation Programs
PIO, Sheriff’s Public Information Office.

Henrico needs Sheriff Mike Wade!

Monday, October 19, 2015

A focus on Clerk of Court Candidate Heidi Barshinger

Greetings all!

Please allow me to thank all of those who have already volunteered in many ways for our campaigns, and for the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 elections.  We have much more to do however and need many more volunteers.  Please email me at to volunteer.  You can visit the unified Henrico Republican campaign office: “TEAMGOP Victory Office” at 3163 Lauderdale Drive, Henrico, Virginia 23233.

On November 3, 2015, we have important elections for our local government (Commonwealth’s Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk of Court, Board of Supervisors and School Board) as well as our General Assembly (Senate and House of Delegates).  Today the blog will feature Clerk of Court Candidate Heidi Barshinger.

Heidi has worked in the court system her entire career.  Her father was a Circuit Court stenographer for over 30 years.  Heidi has been an attorney for 29 years and has spent the past 15 years practicing in the Henrico County courts.  She was a Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney for Wade Kizer and supervised other attorneys in the office and the law school interns.  For the past 4 years, Heidi has run her own law practice serving as a court appointed defense attorney and guardian ad litem for children and incapacitated adults.  Heidi has done civil contract work for a food distribution company.  Heidi is in the Henrico Courts on a daily basis and has worked closely with the Judges, court clerks, attorneys, law enforcement, and the probation department.  I work with the Code of Virginia every day.

When asked about the position that she seeks, Heidi said:  “The Clerk’s Office has 37 employees and a yearly budget of approximately 2.4 million dollars. Our current Clerk of Court, Yvonne Smith, is endorsing me because of my legal experience, my prior supervisory experience, and strong work ethic.  Experience and knowledge of the law are crucial for this position! I am honored to run as your Republican candidate and would look forward to continuing to serve the citizens of Henrico County and continuing the tradition of excellence that Henrico citizens have come to expect and deserve.”

Monday, October 12, 2015

A focus on Delegate Manoli Loupassi

Greetings all!

Please allow me to thank all of those who have already volunteered in many ways for our campaigns, and for the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 elections.  We have much more to do however and need many more volunteers.  Please email me at to volunteer.  You can visit the unified Henrico Republican campaign office: “TEAMGOP Victory Office” at 3163 Lauderdale Drive, Henrico, Virginia 23233.

On November 3, 2015, we have important elections for our local government (Commonwealth’s Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk of Court, Board of Supervisors and School Board) as well as our General Assembly (Senate and House of Delegates).  Today the blog will Delegate Manoli Loupassi.

Manoli is a local attorney who is a great community leader for the City of Richmond and Henrico County.  His many awards include being named Citizen of the Year for Public Service in 2000 and Defender of Liberty Award from the American Conservative Union in 2011.

Manoli’s record of civic leadership is too long to list here.  For his government service, his resume includes:

Delegate 68th District, House of Delegates for the Commonwealth of Virginia (2008-present)
            Courts of Justice Committee
            Chairman, House Subcommittee Judicial Selections
            Commerce and Labor Committee
            Member of the State Crime Commission 2011-present
Vice-Mayor and President of Richmond City Council                   (2005-2006)
City Councilman, City of Richmond, First District                        (2000-2006)
Chairman of City’s Public Safety Commission                              (2000-2004)
Member of City’s Economic Development Committee                 (2000-2004)
Member of City’s Finance Committee                                           (2000-2004)

Telephone: (804) 440-6222

Monday, October 5, 2015

A focus on Pat O'Bannon, Henrico County Supervisor for the Tuckahoe District

Greetings all!

Please allow me to thank all of those who have already volunteered in many ways for our campaigns, and for the Tuesday, November 3, 2015 elections.  We have much more to do however and need many more volunteers.  Please email me at to volunteer.  You can visit the unified Henrico Republican campaign office: “TEAMGOP Victory Office” at 3163 Lauderdale Drive, Henrico, Virginia 23233.

On November 3, 2015, we have important elections for our local government (Commonwealth’s Attorney, Sheriff, Clerk of Court, Board of Supervisors and School Board) as well as our General Assembly (Senate and House of Delegates).  Today the blog will feature Tuckahoe Board of Supervisor, Patricia S. (“Pat”) O’Bannon.

When I asked Pat how have you helped keep Henrico County Government positive and successful?   Her response was: “First I listen, then I read; next I think, then I lead.  I do it with an eye on the cost-benefit to the community.  It works.”

“I keep my promises.”     This has been Pat’s slogan for all of her campaigns, and she has always kept it.  Pat’s background is in communications, and she works hard to maintain open lines of communication with her constituents.  As a County Supervisor for the Tuckahoe District since 1996, Pat has been accessible through phone calls, email, web site, Facebook, texting, Town Meetings-- all means available.

Recently, Pat worked with Henrico Mental Health and Developmental Services on a project called Mental Health First Aid, a national program that teaches skills to respond to signs of mental illness and substance use.  In the past two years, more than 500 county employees have been trained to understand the signs and symptoms, helping to make Henrico a healthier community.  Pat hopes to expand this accredited program to include people in the community.

Last year, as Chair of the Greater Richmond Partnership, Pat pulled together knowledgeable people from different jurisdictions to hire a new Director (who has a great vision for job creation for the entire region).  Rather than use a headhunter firm, Pat worked with the Human Resources Directors of the four GRP member jurisdictions, allowing the HR Directors to handle the process.  They did their job, and they saved us thousands of dollars.  A small idea that paid off!

When County citizens approved the 2005 Bond Referendum to construct more fire stations, voters probably did not consider that the outcome would mean a decrease in their homeowner’s insurance costs (Call your insurance agent after November 1).  Henrico is the only county in the USA to have both the highest possible Insurance Services Office rating (ISO #1), as well as be fully-accredited.  After improving the fire stations, Henrico County participated in a fire protection classification survey conducted by the ISO, a private corporation that evaluates public fire protection, water supply, 911 communications, and the adoption of building codes in communities.  You voted to fund it; Pat worked to get it done. See Pat’s web site for details.

One Republican cannot do this alone. Henrico needs a majority Republican Board of Supervisors to get this done!  Pat asks for your vote for Tuckahoe on November 3, so she may continue to listen -- and lead Henrico County into the future. We also need Tommy Branin for Three Chopt and Dick Glover for Brookland.

WEB:      E-Mail:     Phone message line: 804.285.4PAT (or 804.285.4728)   FacebookPat O’Bannon