Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A banner night for the Henrico GOP!

What a great night for Henrico Republicans!  Any way you look it, 14 out of 15 is a great result.

Last night’s vote was about maintaining good, conservative, government -- The Henrico Way – we maintained it!  We elected a new State Senator (welcome Dr. Dunnavant).  We re-elected our five Delegates (Jimmie Massie, John O’Bannon, Peter Farrell, Manoli Loupassi and Riley Ingram).  We held the three seats needed to maintain control of the Board of Supervisors by re-electing two and electing one new (Pat O’Bannon, Dick Glover and Tommy Brannin).  We held our majority on the School Board by re-electing our three School Board members (Lisa Marshall, Micky Ogburn and Beverly Cocke).  We re-elected our great Sheriff, Mike Wade.  And we elected our next great Clerk of Court, Heidi Barshinger.

Yes, it was a wonderful night -- 14 out of 15 is a great result.  But I have to morn Henrico’s loss of the opportunity to elect Tony Pham as Commonwealth’s Attorney.  Tony worked tirelessly for the cause, although, in the end, it was not enough to defeat an incumbent flush with money and the determination of the Henrico Democrats to hold on to the one County-wide office that they could.  Tony showed us all a vision of what the Henrico Commonwealth Attorney’s office should be.  Tony reminded us of what the American dream is for those who chose to come to this country legally, embrace all that is good about America, work hard and succeed!  Well done my friend.

Many people deserve credit for the victory.  Of course our strong field of candidates led the way.  There was an army of volunteers (campaign staff, door knockers, telephone callers, envelope stuffers, poll workers, poll watchers, etc.).  There was a dedicated Henrico County Republican Party led by Chairman Don Boswell.  Great job Don!  Wonderful job all!  You made it happen.

But wait, we all know that this election cycle was a test drive for next year.  Enjoy today, go back to work tomorrow.  We have a Presidential election next year.  We have learned over the last few Presidential elections that so goes Henrico, so goes the Commonwealth.  We lost Henrico to Obama, we lost the Commonwealth to Obama.  Let us be resolved that allowing Henrico County and the Commonwealth to be presidentially blue will not happen again!  Let us use the unity and momentum of yesterday’s election to make the Henrico County Republican Party unified and resolved to elect a Republican President in 2016!


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